Digital and traditional illustration.
These are examples of my commercial illustration, and include a range of styles, from pen and ink to digital paint and 3D modeling.
All images on this site are copyrighted © Jerry Russell | Studio 309.
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Hot House Brewing Beer LabelsHot House Brewing Beer LabelsBeer Label Illustration and Design These are beer labels I’ve illustrated...
The Unicorn ChroniclesThe Unicorn ChroniclesThe Unicorn Chronicles Cover illustration for The Unicorn Chronicles Series, by Bruce...
Immunotherapy MOA IllustrationsImmunotherapy MOA IllustrationsImmunotherapy MOA Illustrations Illustrations for teaching app for immunotherapy cancer treatment. Agency:...
Sonic Brite RepackagingSonic Brite RepackagingSonic Brite Repackaging for Sonic Brite Modeled and rendered in StrataStudio 3D...
Product Models & Renders - DukaProduct Models & Renders - DukaDuka Products 3D Model & Renders for various products Modeled and rendered...
Interocular Lens (IOL)Interocular Lens (IOL)IO Lens Model & Render Agency: Fingerpaint Marketing Software: Strata Design 3D...
Prosthetic EyeProsthetic EyeProsthetic Eye Prosthetic eye illustration. Modeled and rendered in StrataStudio 3D CX8. Agency:...
The Giant's ToothThe Giant's ToothThe Giant’s Tooth Cover illustration for The Giant’s Tooth, by Bruce Coville. Client:...
The Golden SailThe Golden SailThe Golden Sail Cover illustration for audio version of The Golden...
Ocular InserterOcular InserterIntraocular Inserter Intraocular Inserter illustration for product packaging and marketing. Modeled and...
E Magazine CollectionE Magazine CollectionE Magazine These are illustrations done for E the Environmental Magazine. I worked...
Various Medical IllustrationsVarious Medical IllustrationsPhotoshop painting of human heart with calcified tissue
Have Space Suit, Will TravelHave Space Suit, Will TravelThe original cover art is really great, rivaling the superb...
Product Illustrations - Mission KIProduct Illustrations - Mission KIMedical Illustrations for Product Marketing & Packaging Modeled and rendered in...
Blockhaus LogoBlockhaus Logo3D Modeled Logo 3D CGI model and render of Blockhaus Logo. Blockhaus...
OAB Cuff IllustrationsOAB Cuff IllustrationsOAB Cuff Concept Models & Renders Product concept and development sketches...
3D Illustration Samples3D Illustration Samples3D Modeled Illustrations Various projects modeled and rendered in 3D software...
Outdoor Skills PagesOutdoor Skills PagesAdirondack Explorer Skills Pages I’ve been working with the Adirondack Explorer...
Product Illustrations - DocetaxelProduct Illustrations - DocetaxelMedical Illustrations for Product Marketing & Packaging Modeled and rendered in...
Cambia Product IllustrationsCambia Product IllustrationsCambia Product Illustrations for Marketing & Packaging Sometimes, a product doesn’t...
Between PlanetsBetween PlanetsBetween Planets Cover illustration for audio recording of Between Planets, by...
Adirondack Explorer - Line DrawingsAdirondack Explorer - Line DrawingsAdirondack Explorer – Black & white drawings Fish Species Drawings for...
Adirondack Explorer - HumorAdirondack Explorer - HumorAdirondack Explorer I’ve done a couple hundred drawings like this for...
Know your TreesKnow your TreesKnow Your Trees Illustration, page design & layout Client: Adirondack Explorer Photoshop, InDesign
Lungs & Vessels Illustrations ProjectLungs & Vessels Illustrations ProjectLungs & Vessels Illustrations for Interactive Patient/Doctor Consult For this project,...
Patron Saint of ButterfliesPatron Saint of ButterfliesAHHH!…. When people ask me about FCA, and how we...
Cervidil Product IllustrationsCervidil Product IllustrationsMedical Illustrations for Product Marketing Modeled and rendered in StrataStudio 3D...
Codeine and ChlorphenamineCodeine and ChlorphenamineChemical Molecule Illustrations for Product Marketing Molecules: Codeine (C18H21NO3) and Chlorphenamine...
Heat StrokeHeat StrokeHeat Stroke Illustration, page design & layout Client: Adirondack Explorer Photoshop, InDesign Skills Page:...
Asthma Inhaler 3D ModelAsthma Inhaler 3D ModelAsthma Inhaler 3D Model This fairly simple 3D model started as...